OSD: “Will you lose your job to AI? Landscape and applications in natural language processing (NLP

When:  Jul 30, 2024 from 12:00 to 13:00 (ET)

Please join us for an Open Scientific Discussion (OSD) hosted by the AAPS Gene and Cell Therapy Products (GCTPs) Community on July 30,2024, 12 pm- 1 pm EDT on the following topic:

Will you lose your job to AI?  Landscape and applications in natural language processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) for bioanalytical assays, and CMC applications

  • Overview of AI in early drug development and manufacturing including regulatory requirements.

  • The role of the pharmaceutical scientist in the age of AI. Landscape and application of AI/ML in regulatory, bioassay, and CMC:

    • Regulatory applications of AI/ML

    • Bioanalytical Assay monitoring and statistics computations

    • Expert advice on bioanalytical assay development and challenges

    • Drawing insights from rich CMC data for cellular therapies

Discussion Leaders:

Stephanie Pasas-Farmer, BioData Solutions, LLC

Rob Dodge, Biopharmaceutical Consultant

Rashed Harun, Genentech

Dale Miles, Genentech

Organized by: 

Dale Miles (Genentech)

We start at 12:00 EDT sharp. To avoid interruptions, please dial in before noon and mute yourself until Q&A starts.

Please remain on mute unless asking questions) 

Please feel free to share with colleagues who may be interested in this topic.

Login Details Below:

When: Tuesday, July 30, 2024:  12 pm to 1 pm EDT

WherePlease join from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

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Access Code:  505-947-717

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Dale Miles
[email protected]