Please join us for an Open Scientific Discussion (OSD) hosted by the AAPS Gene and Cell Therapy Products (GCTPs) Community on July 30,2024, 12 pm- 1 pm EDT on the following topic:
“Will you lose your job to AI? Landscape and applications in natural language processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) for bioanalytical assays, and CMC applications”
Overview of AI in early drug development and manufacturing including regulatory requirements.
The role of the pharmaceutical scientist in the age of AI. Landscape and application of AI/ML in regulatory, bioassay, and CMC:
Regulatory applications of AI/ML
Bioanalytical Assay monitoring and statistics computations
Expert advice on bioanalytical assay development and challenges
Drawing insights from rich CMC data for cellular therapies
Discussion Leaders:
Stephanie Pasas-Farmer, BioData Solutions, LLC
Rob Dodge, Biopharmaceutical Consultant
Rashed Harun, Genentech
Dale Miles, Genentech
Organized by:
Dale Miles (Genentech)
We start at 12:00 EDT sharp. To avoid interruptions, please dial in before noon and mute yourself until Q&A starts.
Please remain on mute unless asking questions)
Please feel free to share with colleagues who may be interested in this topic.
Login Details Below:
When: Tuesday, July 30, 2024: 12 pm to 1 pm EDT
Where: Please join from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (646) 749-3122
Access Code: 505-947-717
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Meeting ID: 505-947-717
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