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New AAPS Journal article of possible community interest

  • 1.  New AAPS Journal article of possible community interest

    Posted 05-31-2022 14:34
    Machine Learning Prediction of Clinical Trial Operational Efficiency - The AAPS Journal
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    Machine Learning Prediction of Clinical Trial Operational Efficiency - The AAPS Journal
    Clinical trials are the gatekeepers and bottlenecks of progress in medicine. In recent years, they have become increasingly complex and expensive, driven by a growing number of stakeholders requiring more endpoints, more diverse patient populations, and a stringent regulatory environment.
    View this on SpringerLink >

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    Ho-Leung Fung Ph.D., FAAPS
    University at Buffalo
    Buffalo NY
    [email protected]

    Disclaimer: Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.