Please join for a live virtual webinar on Jan 28, 2025, from 12:30 pm - 2 pm hosted by the AAPS ELISpot Working Group, a newly formed sub-team of the Biomarkers and Precision Medicine Community. The topic is as follows:
Enhancing Drug Development with ELISpot/FluoroSpot Assays: Foundational Insights and Recent Advancements
Sylvia Janetzki (ZellNet Consulting)
Xinyan (Nemo) Li (Johnson & Johnson)
Madhan Masilamani (Bristol Myers Squibb)
Karen J. Quadrini (Prothena Biosciences)
Sofie Pattyn (IQVIA Laboratories)
Register for the webinar through the link here
There is a short survey upon registration to best understand registrant proficiency with ELISpot/FluoroSpot assays.